› Home › Case studies › Purchase and restructuring agreement worth 130 million euros in loan and participative financial instruments
„With the proceeds raised from the disposals, the company was able to reimburse its debt with the bank and also to pay a small dividend to the creditor banks that handled the receivables payments.“
An Italian Bank entered an agreement to purchase mortgage loans and participative financial instruments with a total gross book value (“GBV”) of approximately 130 million Euros and owed via an asset management company to a syndicate of 13 Italian and international banks. The company manages mainly logistics and manufacturing assets, leased to a leading operator in the luxury industry.
The bank entered an agreement with the company to realize the medium- to long-term restructuring of the mortgage loan, thereby becoming its single banking counterparty. globalise Italy devised and brokered the deal, which enabled the banking group that had supported the company through its long crisis to recover much of the money it was owed. globalise Italy was also engaged in the closing phase of the project, which involved the valuation and sale of the company’s real estate assets.
With the proceeds raised from the disposals, the company was able to reimburse its debt with the bank and also to pay a small dividend to the creditor banks that handled the receivables payments.
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