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Growth plan via acquisitions and digitization

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Bernd Bosch,
Managing Director of engbers

„Globalise made our company fit for the future – not least of all with its excellent strategic advice regarding our future focus and the further development of our business.“


The challenge

The unsuccessful launch of an ERP system had to be taken to a successful conclusion and shortcomings done away with. Also, all engbers’ business processes and its organizational structure needed to be examined for potential improvements and the development of the online channel had to be rigorously pushed forward.


The result

Globalise completed the ERP launch quickly and successfully. Optimized processes and professional structures enabled engbers to set itself up in a way that was ready for the future.

Interview with Bernd Bosch Managing Director of engbers


„When I saw how the Globalise manager went about his job, I knew he would be a good sparring partner for all other issues relating to our operational processes and structures.“

The Globalise manager did not only had to complete the launch of the ERP system: You also wanted him to thouroughly examine the entire company. Which of these two tasks was the more important?

In the short term, of course, the ERP launch. There were quite simply too many problems there: we had more than 200 unresolved issues where the system didn’t work properly. The Globalise manager had to take care of that quickly – and he did.

What did the interim manager do to finish the implementation?
He approached the whole issue from the start again, setting up structures and processes from the ground up. To do so, he built up professional change management structures, with key users from the departments who acted as drivers and intermediaries for the launch.


„Getting the staff on board, stimulating their team spirit and helping them achieve mutual objectives was the Globalise manager’s main success.“

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„As we needed a solution at quite short notice, I contacted Globalise. Only four weeks passed between the time of my inquiry and the Globalise manager starting work with us. That speed of action was very impressive.“

The Globalise manager then optimized other processes at engbers…
Yes, with the result, for example, that we merged the procurement, processing and stock control activities in our goods management unit and appointed someone to be responsible for the entire process with one product group. We also aligned seasonal planning across all product groups and included procurement in this process.

What did the review of the company structure show?
We decided to include the management level. Prior to that, the directors all reported to me – now I can spend more time on creative and conceptual issues and on further developing the company. The executive level is now in charge of the operational issues, with the sales, product management, administration & services, expansion & further business fields units. Oh, and by the way, we staffed the permanent position of Head of Administration & Services through Globalise as well.


„Because of the good experience we had with the interim manager, we subsequently filled the position on a permanent basis through Globalise as well.“

Where does the company go from here?
We want to keep growing. That gives rise to the question of where the fields of potential growth lie for engbers. How can we grow these distribution channels and in which direction should we expand? Should we perhaps slim down certain parts of the company? These are our considerations for the future at the moment.

What made you decide to inquire about a Globalise manager and how do you judge your decision in retrospect?
First of all, I would like to emphasize that due to our excellent experience with the Globalise manager, we have decided to continue to work with him as a kind of sparring partner. I found out about interim management as such in the media. As we needed a solution fast, I contacted Globalise. Only four weeks passed between my first inquiry and the Globalise manager starting work with us. That speed and the perfect fit of the manager really impressed me.