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Scale-up and growth of cleantech company


„My experience in the industry and in building companies enabled us to drive development quickly and safely forward. This experience together with the expertise internally was a success factor.“

The situation

The client is a cleantech company that converts wet waste into usable products. The company is active in Sweden but has a great market potential internationally.


The challenge

The company was an entrepreneurial-driven start-up with many technologies, and it was time to take the business to the next level and go from innovation to production. Structures, working methods, and routines needed to be set.


The solution

An Interim CEO with extensive experience from international cleantech companies, production, and engineering was appointed to professionalize the company.


The result

After a thorough analysis of the current situation and interviews with clients and employees, a strategy was set. A plan with 20 change measures was developed and immediately started. After roughly six months, the activity plan was completed, and they are now building full-scale facilities in Europe and the US to demonstrate the technology for potential clients. Recruitments within finance, HR, sales, and processes to scale up the business are done.